Saturday, 12 November 2011

Update: T.I.T.A.N


Quick update. Apologees for a lack of response but I have bin working on the campain in the background.

The synopsis for the show has been written. I will try to link it in at some point soon. I have created the SPACE logo. This is not the shows logo but the logo that all space hardware will carry (Crates, tanks etc).

All figures needed for the opening game have now arrived. As I type the 3 extra models are drying having been undercoated. I am using Army Painter for shading, so the Atlas and Redstone models are shaded but need varnishing.

The TITAN model is complete and here it is.

This is part of the 2010 Overlord diarama. The robot is infact much bigger than the other models but is fitting given the nature of the character. The colour scheme is based on NASA's robonaught with a bit of tweaking.

If I get round to it I shall post pictures of the other hero characters.

Oh and as a bonus heres a construction pic of the SPACE wagon

Its a sort of SPV mixed with MR freazes van from Batman and Robin. I'm just building it as I go along for scenery, unless one of my models becomes a driver.

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